
The Dirty Work


The Dirty Work

In Development

Jo has always had a thing for white rabbits. As a child it was a picture book of a bunny that helped her understand what albinism was, as a teenager it was one of the insults yelled at her in the street, and later in her thirties the owner of a pet shop thrust a live white rabbit into her arms and said with a wild grin, “Look, it’s just like you!”

The Dirty Work is a duet between Jo and a white rabbit. Its a live performance work deeply inspired by the work of magicians and stage magic. Exploring the showmanship, crip expertise and everyday performativity of living as a disabled person navigating the world with visual impairment.

The Dirty Work is part of Blind Magic: A triptych of artworks exploring the performativity of visual impairment. A film Passing, an installation Sleight of Hand and live performance The Dirty Work created by Jo Bannon


Created and Performed by Jo Bannon

Produced by MAYK

Commissioned by Attenborough Centre for the Creative Arts, Cambridge Junction, The Place & Tramway. With additional support from Fabric and Horizon. Supported using public funds through Arts Council England.


In Development

The performance will premiere in May 2025

If you would like to discuss how you can be involved please contact Jo’s producer Matthew Austin at